supplemented by two completed books, about THE SPHINX and THE EGYPTIAN
CROSS (and forthcoming in agreement with the editor)
While the Egyptian history and culture are from now on fairly wellknown, mysterious segments are still lingering and increasing. Numerous hypotheses have been proposed. None holds out against a thorough investigation nor is approved unanimously despite the utmost relevance of some of them.
From hieroglyphics to a strip of materials:
The independent researches into a new deciphering of hieroglyphics, ideograms and pictograms, more particularly the Ankh (ansate cross), have enabled Gruais and Mouny to isolate about twenty sips. These were an exception to the rule of graphics inspired by the environment; another source had to be seeked for. It is so obvious that those signs are sometimes coloured with a white halo! A priori no one had thought about it all the more so as the widespread practise is confined to the common researches carried out upon close and accidental discoveries. In a way, it was a logical series, exclusively subject to hazardous credits. Both authors, quite aware of not being archeologists apologise and explain their actions: "... up to now they have dug within hand reach, but for us, we have dug within the mind and spirit. . . "
As far as the result is concerned even if the bringing together may look improbable, there is a link with materials from. . . the Radio Museum. While these shapes are untiringly repeated on wall paintings, or papyrus and sculptures, with unquestionable functional linkings, it is as a fact that the so-called materials have never been discovered. A conclusion was imperative: the Egyptians had seen sophisticated materials (going back a long way before their civilization) they deciphered even if they could not (or would not) reproduce physically. They contented with using them symbolically, at the highest level through the language.
In any case, their deciphering endowed both authors with an attainment the researchers do not necessarily possess: a philosophy or psycho!ogy of the Egyptian in the age ofthe Pharaons. The message is read: literal - figurative - transcendant, what Heraclitus defined 500 years ago as: the speaklng, the significant, the concealed.
Pyramids hidding an extraordinary complex:
Wondering about the premises where this material inheritance could have been found, both investigators turned to the most lasting and strange complex: the Guizeh pyramids. Immediately in a strong position because of their new integration into the ancient egyptien thinking, both men analysed the site which was thought to be mainly "3 non-lined up pyramids rsvith a sphinx dropped haphazardly". The authors, fortified by rediscovering a knowledge and by searching a new main line, testity to the presence and harmony of a sacred geometry (using the golden number) wich was the creating basis ofthis huge complex called Guizeh.
Challenging the future of archeology, at least the egyptian one, the link between the ancient and the modem days would be resting there under the ground of the Pharaons. After deciphering and visiting the Plateau of Guizeh, the prediction will prove as clear as daylight, what as already started, since for 7 years, each new discovtry has undoubtedly been in keeping within Gruais and Mouny's framework.
They are the first men to assert that an enormous heritage does exist concealed under the Guizeh pyramids but, for the first time, they give astonishing details, with dimensioned sketches of chambers and corridors, every thing justified by an implacable geometry. The egyptologists had been looking for it for a long time, but it books as if the researches had been carried out into the reasons and the method of this setting up. The researchers had done the utmost to interpret each pyramid one by one (tomb, treasure storeroom, triangulation point, initiation area...). In this context, a possible link between the three monuments was unimaginable. As to the Sphinx...more worse.
The innovative idea, three pyramids and a lonely sphinx, .embody a coherent complex whose rules have to be defined. This rule once deciphered brought out in a ground plan, a great pyramidale triangle with Cheops at the top and Mykerinos in the angle at the basis. Surprisingly the opposite side ran exactly through the head of the Sphinx!
A symetry was imperative, re-creating fictitiously a "Chephren a" and a "Mykerinos a". This pyramidal triangle , covering the whole Guizeh plateau, had basis quoins identical to those of Cheops 51°51 ' ! The whole geometrical setting up started from there with the initial measures.
And so it was obvious that the internal architecture of Cheops is the replica (Scaled down to 1/5th) of the subterranean complex. This is the map of the basement depicted more durably than papyrus or clay tablets. A map erected upwards. . . surrounded by stones to defy time. Besides, what remains mysterious when visiting Cheops, becomes as clear as crystal in an horizontale appearance.
For the time being we can imagine that the Egyptians discovered the basement complex built before them, materialized it, in case of need, by the building of the pyramids according to a preliminary boundary.
The wo]e geometry of the plateau shows a complexity wich is equalled only by the rigour. It reminds us of C.A.O. (Computer aided design).
The precision of this "maquette Cheops" reveals a subterranean hydraulic network. A famous predecessor, Hérodotus, had put its existence forward: doubled hydraulic network with a common source and a draining corresponding to the levelling, with a additional so-called technical rooms, with security locks and wells (rather shafts) below this network! It must be an uncommon source of energy or light !
Together with a possible technique the egyptian mysticism has a tremendous part. It may be the beginning of the philosophy of the egyptian religion. They possessed a knowledge of the afterlife which hould surprise us more than it does. They explained it by detailed drawings and written works in the book of the Dead and it looks as if they did communicate with those dimensions. The transcommunication, disconcerting in times past, fits into the study. The visit of the underground chambers could reveal unexpected sides. Then, the model Cheops would be the initiatory mirror . Moïse, born of this education, conveyed some ideas too by the Ark of the Covenant, linked with these techniques.
As to the purpose of this underground complex, it is far too huge to be only funerary. But nothing might have prevented the Pharaons -sun god Re's sons- to make room for themselves. Whatever the hypothesis chosen, it is obvious from what we know that the egyptians always gave several aspects or interpretations to the same thing. The pyramids must be the illustration. They are not only funerary, without doubt models or reductions but something else perhaps.
The pyramids which are not out of order and the Sphinx which is not dropped anywhere strengthen the importance the Ancients or several visionaries had given to Guizeh. A series of five pyramids (three fictitious, two real ones) superposed and buried, located next to the Sphinx, northward precisely. The well-known enigma of the Sphinx, should it be partly related in this sacred architecture, is embodied in the contents of its basement. Gruais et Mouny already reconstruct a formal puzzle including layouts used again in the Occident and during the Middle Ages (under the name of Atalanta ). Quite evidently, facts emerge and enable us to understand and assimilate the real symbolism of the whole scheme: THE ORIGINE OF MAN.
They are necessary to check the theories suggested and in the event of relation to discover the content which is going to change drastically the established knowledge.
If we consider the stake and precise localization of the entrance, according to the authors, excavatings should have started quickly where they suggest, all the more so as no monument is touched. Besides if the average level of the basement is below 36 m, several checkpoints are just above the ground. But we should know procedures and men better. It is to be feared that one might hurry slowly. The whole History and current events justify these fears, specially when the latest data do not come from official sources and change the generally accepted ideas. Moreover and without exaggerating we can wonder if "superior interests" would not tend to fudge the issue.
Sensing these problems, Gruais et Mouny had already alerted the Ministries of Research, Culture, and Foreign Office. In vain. The scientists ignored them too.
Is the Country doing not grasp the opportunity and doing not carry on with J. F. Champollion's process: "The Napolenic France introduced modern Egypt. It is up to France to reap souvenirs engraved on (G-M and lender) these monuments. Then Europe will go back to its most ancient origins. "
We are very impressed by the obvious correspondancies with some "visions". We carefully avoised on these bases but in the long run it was interesting to notice disturbing similarities. We are not surprised because our century is the end of a cycle for manking. In these days and age, man should stop calculating and start thinking with his heart; this should let sensitive people to get in touch with superior vibratory levels. Some data could soon lead to a changing conscience. Yet the knowledge of origins is necessary all the more so as attainment looks so easy. Our works will demonstrate that this Egyptian soil contains elements which will throw a new light -link the past and the future- this future of the Aquarius Era whose opening is so well protected by the Sphinx of Guizeh.
Might we expect MEN, after futile erring ways, to protect and use its voluntary researchers while looking after general interests.
Three pyramids of different sizes, not even aligned, and a sphinx with a disproportionate body, set apart.
This is what most Egyptologists see and say about the Giza site.
- Are there mysterious links between the three pyramids and the Sphinx
at Giza?
- Is the Sphinx the nerve centre around which the site was organized ?
- Does the mysterious Sphinx hide the secret of a forgotten civilization?
- Does the enigmatic Sphinx hide the greater part of Giza, like an iceberg?
- Did the architects of these 45-century-old structures know the secrets
of sacred geometry and divine proportions?
An amazing book has just cast doubt upon the hypotheses advanced so far : The Great Secret of the Sphinx of Giza...
Guy Gruais and Guy Mouny started with arithmetic investigations and a thorough examination of all the theories related to these pyramids. They then did on-site research. Unlike other researchers, these two Frenchmen did not stop with the visible elements. They went further, reasoning in cubits, the unit of measure used by the ancient Egyptians.
In this way the apparent disorder gives way to a geometrical organization of the plateau, governed by universal proportions of ancestral laws of arithmetic such as the golden mean, the squaring of the circle and sacred or divine triangles.
This coherent and intellectually informed dig suddenly revealed a gigantic underground complex.
Designed using the Cheops passageways as a model, the balance of this buried part of the site is based on the existence of two fictitious pyramids, twins of Chephren and Mykerinos.
In the same way, the plan of the passageways and rooms of the Chephren pyramid govern the space beneath the Sphinx according to an infallible logic.
This space obeys strict plans and precise lines and calculations.
The works of Guy Gruais and Guy Mouny are confirmed by scattered accounts which, once put together, provide a singular and coherent interpretation of the site.
Among these documents the is the Fleeing Atalante by the famous 17th century alchemist and philosopher de Maier. This drawing, which combines many parameters of sacred geometry, coincides in a disturbing way with the proportions of Giza and its underground complex...
This discovery could not fail to raise new questions, even more basic ones : Why such amazing precision in the plan? Who drew these plans, and for what builders?
What was the purpose of these underground passageways ? What does this site represent, with its always implacable balance and logic ? Is its underground part not the most consistent ?
What does the Sphinx want to reveal to us by showing that each pyramid and each line it suggests obey a strict order?
The Great Secret of the Sphinx of Giza suggests that Houroun, the Sphinx, could hold information of unimaginable value. The string of strange coincidences brought to light by the discoveries of Gruais and Mouny opens many leads and possible interpretations.
Disturbing analogies between the secrets of medieval alchemists, the prophecies of the American visionary Edgar Cayce( Famous character in the United States, Edgar Cayce is best known for his revelations, a great number of which concern ancient Egypt. An institute bears his name and works on his prophecies.) , and the discoveries in the space under Giza make possible unexpected and astonishing projections.
The Sphinx, guardian of the Giza plateau, is thought to hide under its enigmatic face the secret of a pyramid of archives where the extraordinary knowledge of an ancient and prestigious civilization is preserved.
Passageways could even exist between the secret of the Sphinx and the mystery of Atlantis.
The universality of the layout of the site matches, furthermore, certain constructions in Central America and in Tibet.
Such a revolution cannot be limited simply to the area of archeology. At the vanguard of knowledge that would be not only empirical but also a path to future interpretations, this revolution could be interpreted as one of the possible keys to "the Age of Aquarius".
Colourful and breathtaking, written like a novel for the pleasure of the reader, The Great Secret of the Sphinx of Giza is lived by three captivating and enlightened characters who do not hesitate to question the Sphinx itself in their search for answers.
Through Souhr, Siis, and Phtysen the reader discovers how the authors developed their ideas as well as the surprises they encountered in their geometrical and bibliographical research. A large number of maps, sketches, and photos are placed throughout the text and hold the reader's interest.
The calculations and theories of the authors are explained in a manner that allows the reader to follow - and participate in - their logic. Far from being a hurdle to understanding the secrets of Giza, the geometry and mathematics used by Gruais and Mouny give the work additional interest : thanks to The Great Secret of the Sphinx of Giza the general public enters into the little-known world of sacred mathematics, of golden sections, of perfect squares, of divine proportions, and of Egyptology.
A work following up on an idea
The first investigations of Guy Gruais and Guy Mouny are described in The Great Secret of the Pyramids of Giza, their previous book. Their deductions are confirmed in The Great Secret of the Sphinx. This team's research on "magic hieroglyphics" and especially on the Egyptian looped cross of Ankh promises stunning revelations about the knowledge of the Egyptians in the area of transcommunication. The third volume is ready and will soon be published.
A fourth book, which will attempt to answer the different questions raised by these discoveries, is currently being written.
What new information do you provide about the Giza site ?
"The Giza site is the exact replica, five times larger, of the pyramid of Cheops. This fact sheds new light on the knowledge of the ancient Egyptians. Our calculations and research prove that the plateau of Giza has all the characteristics of a very high-level and precise geometrical whole, brought, perhaps, from . . . elswhere.
The passageways and rooms of this pyramid, incomprehensible on the vertical level, take on new meaning if looked at horizontally. Their layout constitutes ideal premises for highly technical installations. Our work shows that the Chephren passageways under the Sphinx can also be used as archive rooms, "halls of records" according to Cayce.
What were these "warehouses" used for? Our research and the correlations established with the prophecies of Edgar Cayce lead us to believe that they formed a document library -- sound documents according to Cayce -- perhaps archives, and in any case new knowledge for humanity . . . ."
You seem very sure of yourselves and of your conclusions
"Everything fits and each new element can be placed perfectly in the immense puzzle of Giza. Our work has been confirmed by our discoveries on the Anhk and the so-called "magic" hieroglyphics. As for our geometrical demonstrations, such logic and such frequency cannot be just coincidence. If an archeologist agrees to read the layout of the site based on our hypotheses, then Giza reveals all its logic and shows a dimension that goes beyond the imagination. But take care: if we are categorical in our conclusions -- verifiable in the long term - we remain cautious about their interpretation: who built this installation, why such precision?
What was the original use of the site? In any case, archeological digs show the correctness of our theories; it remains for us to interpret them. All we have to do is dig . . . ."
Why exactly did you not do any digging?
"We naturally wanted to dig, especially as we indicate the entrances and we do not have to go down very far. Unfortunately the Egyptian authorities are very demanding about permission to carry out archeological digs. Sites are granted to different countries. If France has access to Karnak and Sakara, it is Germany, japan and Great Britain that have the right to explore the Giza plateau.
We would also like to stress the fact that the present digs of the German mission confirm our conclusions about the Cheops galleries: the Upuaut operation discloses the existence of "valves" which obstruct the ventilation ducts. Our calculations had clearly revealed these discoveries, as the air ducts become canals underground.
Although history has shown that contributing new ideas is always rewarding, the world of Egyptologists resists original approaches, especially when it calls into question their work. They believe they have rights over discoveries, and do not want others to propose other hypotheses about the site."
The pyramids of Giza are not just tombs built for each death, but they reflect an overall plan.
The builders of the pyramids knew and used the calculation of the squaring of the circle down to the nearest one-hundredth, which is still a mystery for today's mathematicians.
The works of Gruay and Mouny confirm the prophecies of Edgar Cayce, the famous American visionary.
The Sphinx is the forerunner of the architectural complex of Giza, an idea that is shared by Cayce and two researchers from the Boston Institute.
To the eleven pyramids of the plateau must be added a twelfth, buried 1 56 cubits north of the Sphinx, the pyramid of the archives, where the memory of an unknown civilization is to be found.
Cats, because they were rare and could destroy rodents, were a state secret in ancient Egypt.
The golden section -- 1.618 -- the five-pointed star and the seal of Solomon can be found everywhere at the Giza site.
A prophet announced that an Egyptian official, helped by two men, would find the secret of the Giza in 1998.
The pyramids of Chephren and Mykerinos are the twins of the two fictitious pyramids, indispensable to an understanding of the plateau.
"The Fleeing Atalante" by Michael Maier, Count of the Holy Empire and 17th century alchemist is a drawing --a key -- whose proportions and relations coincide exactly with the visible and underground plan of Giza.
Many articles, echos and interviews accompanied the publication of the first work of Guy Gruais and Guy Mouny: The Great Secret of the Pyramids of Giza.
The media success, due to the revelations of the authors and to their seriousness, cannot fail to happen again for The Great Secret of the Sphinx of Giza, published in France in May 1994 and already nominated for a literary prize.
At the end of the book, we understand that the balance of these constructions and their layout in space are perfect. 'The angers do not just describe, they go down to the deepest underground areas and the funeral rooms.
A doubt arises from their explanations: are the pyramids really tombs, as we have been told for centuries?
L' Union Champagne dimanche
People who go in for esoteric matters will be delighted by the decoding of pyramids, which is disturbing, to say the least.
L'Est Magazine
We thought we knew everything, or almost everything, about the Egyptians and their pyramids. However, a book by Guy-Claude Mouny and Guy Gruais should revolutionize knowledge dating from the time of the pharaohs.
Here as a new conception which solves most of the enigmas of Cheops. Then appears the most extraordinary ballet of geometrical figures of an incredible rigour. What was the purpose of these rooms and underground galleries? The question remains open.
Many plans observed accompany the hypotheses of Gruais and Mouny which shake certain received ideas and lead us to believe that the "Mystery of Giza" is still far from being solved.
Petites Affiches
Excellent news for a world that does not about in rules of life... This new work is an investigative book that is clearly not limited to a \Vested and merely Egyptophile vision.
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